#1 Chimney Cleaning Service in San Antonio

Chimney cleaning service includes:

  • Video Inspection

  • Brushing of the chimney flue

  • Smoke shelf cleaning

  • Cleaning of firebox

  • Cleaning and inspection of damper

  • Our ‘No Mess’ GUARANTEE!

  • Fireplace Cleaning


Why Choose US?

With our professional chimney sweep cleaning service, your house will stay safe. Does your house smell like smoke, even when you don’t have a fire lit? Do you have a foul smell
coming from your fireplace? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it could mean that your chimney is lined with creosote, which is the soot byproduct from burning wood.

Every fireplace generates creosote, simply as a nature of being used, but over time the build-up of this soot can create some real problems. For example, decreased airflow from a buildup of soot will greatly impact the performance of your chimney and fireplace and will also increase the danger of fire and carbon monoxide.

We work hard to make sure each chimney is ready to be safely enjoyed by our neighbors, which is why we provide such thorough cleanings. A clean chimney is a safer chimney, and the less worries you have when you’re trying to stay warm and relax by your fireplace or stove, the better. Whether we’re sweeping away soot and creosote or removing blockages from the flue, you can count on us to do the job quickly, professionally, thoroughly, and without making a mess.

A clean sweep of your chimney will remove soot, creosote and blockages from your flue liner, smoke chamber and shelf, firebox and damper. Our chimney sweep technicians are highly trained and will get the job finished quickly & efficiently without leaving the work area soiled in any way. We pride ourselves on a “no mess” performance and work to create minimal interruption to you and your family when completing the job.